Ready to start with Aztrix?











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Register links
One simple page in multiple languages
Unique and recognizable handle with *
Custom profile picture, title and bio
Customize the appearance of your page
Prioritize the order of the links
Unlimited links can be added to your page
Display links in different formats
Add an background to your page
Remove Aztrix* branding
Allow visitors to pay you
Views, Clicks & CTR
Breid het gegevensbereik uit
Zoom in op apparaat en regio (soon)
Integrate Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics
Add UTM parameters
Make your page more discoverable with SEO settings (soon)
Add a legal footer
Let your visitors fill in an eForm
Export via API (soon)
Q&A (selfservice)
Online support within 48hrs
Online support within 24hrs
Full support within 24hrs
DIFY (soon)
Share your page using a downloadable QR-code
QR Apple Wallet Card
Create a QR with an avatar



Aztrix* is all about simplification. Making things easier. That means we have an answer to any question you might have.

Aztrix* collects all the information you want to share under one link. So, when you create your Aztrix* profile, you decide what you put on there. Think of it as an online business card, or your very own online living room.

The internet is infinite, and that’s part of its power. But this also means our online presence is usually fragmented. There are different parts of you or your brand in all the nooks and crannies of that vast online expanse. Aztrix* helps you show off the whole picture, with one link and a fully customisable interface. Isn’t it nice to be in charge of your own data?

Links, contact details, online profiles, documents — everything you’d share publicly can have a place on your Aztrix* profile. But therein lies an important condition. (…)

The data you share or collect via Aztrix*is automatically compliant with GDPR guidelines. You can find more information about our privacy policy here.


You can still log into the Aztrix platform here: We are changing Aztrix functionality to support a variety of products and therefore moved our data & privacy management to

Create your link. Build your world.

With Aztrix* you share what you want, the way you want. One link, endless possibilities.